Cross-Modal Interaction in Graphical Communication
Cross-modal interaction in graphical communication is observed in collaborative problem-solving settings. Graphical communications, such as dialogues using maps, drawings, or pictures, provide people with two independent modalities: speech and drawing. Although the amount of drawing/self-speech overlap is strongly affected by activity-dependent constraints imposed by the task, the amount of drawing/partner’s speech overlap is affected only weakly by these constraints. However, they do affect the function of the utterances in the case of drawing/partner’s speech overlap. These results show that activity-level constraints affect the way speech coordinates drawing activities in cross-modal interaction. Furthermore, it suggests that turn-taking in multimodal communication requires general analyses integrating the functions of different modalities. Introduction Every joint activity requires coordination among its participants. When a band plays a piece, each member has to work on the same key, keep the same rhythm, and start and end at the same time (Clark (1996)). Some of these coordinating acts can be done across different modalities. In the case of music, a soloist can signal the end of her inprovisation not only with a phrase suggesting the solo’s end, but also with eye-contact. Communication is also a joint activity, and participants must coordinate with each other. One outstanding coordination principle in conversation is sequential turn-taking in speech channels. Several studies have been carried out on speech turn coordination, and some of them analyze cross-modal interaction between speech and nonverbal behaviors such as gaze and posture (Argyle et al. (1976), Kendon (1967)). In this paper, we investigate the interaction between speech and drawing, another powerful communication medium. Turn-taking in speech involves a wide variety of factors such as sociological principles, the limitations of human cognitive capacity, and so on. One potentially strong factor for sequential turns in speech is the resource characteristics of media: speech media affords only one person’s speech sounds at a time. Sacks et al. (1974) regard verbal turns as an economic resource, distributed to conversation participants according to turn organization rules. According to them, one of the main effects of these turn organization rules is the sequentiality of utterances. They observe that one party talks at a time in most cases. Drawing, on the contrary, has quite different characteristics from speech. First, drawing is persistent whereas speech is not. Drawing remains unless erased, whereas speech dissipates right after it occurs. A drawing can be understood much later than when it is actually drawn, whereas speech must occur in real time. Second, drawing has a much wider bandwidth than speech. Two or more drawing operations can occur at the same time without interfering with each other, whereas simultaneous utterances are hard to understand. These resource characteristics allow for simultaneous drawing. There have been several studies on drawing interaction in the Human Computer Interaction field in the context of computersupported collaborative work. Some researchers are optimimistic about the possibilities of simultaneous drawing (Stefik et al. (1987), Whittaker et al. (1991)), though others are not (Tatar et al. (1991)). To approach this problem, Umata et al. (2003) have introduced yet another view based on the activitydependent constraints imposed by the task performed in the interaction. The analyses show that sequential structure is mandatory in drawing either when the drawing reflects the dependency among the information to be expressed or when the drawing process itself reflects the proceedings of a target event. Further analyses show that speech interaction, which is already restricted by the resource characteristics of media, is not affected by activity-dependent constraints (Umata et al. (2004)). The relation between drawing and speech modalities is, however, still not quite clear. Takeoka et al. (2003) analyzed face-to-face graphical communication and found that both utterances without drawings and utterances followed by the speaker’s drawings behave similary in turnholding function. They also show that longer silences are allowed while drawing is taking place. These results suggest that turns in communication can be maintained across speech and drawing modalities. This is also supported by the finding that drawing/self-speech overlap is much more frequent than drawing/partner’s speech overlap (Umata et al. (2004)). The assumption of continuous turns across modalities is appealing from the viewpoint of modal integration: speech and graphic modalities decribe their target not just independently but also jointly, with linguistic phrases describing the target via graphics (Umata et al. (2000)). In the following part of this paper, we analyze interaction across these two modalities, focusing on drawingspeech overlap. The results show that the activitydependent constraints strongly affect the amount of drawing/self-speech overlap, whereas they only weakly affect the amount of drawing/partner’s speech overlap. These constraints, however, do affect how their drawing activities are coordinated verbally. We argue that activity-level constraints affect not only drawingdrawing interaction organization but also cross-modal interaction organization. Drawing Turns and Speech Turns As we have seen in the previous section, the sequentiality of speech turns has been attributed to the resource characteristics of speech, namely non-persistence and restricted bandwidth. The assumption is that we cannot comprehend two spoken utterances at the same time because of the bandwidth limitation, while we cannot delay comprehending one utterance until later because of the non-persistent characteristic. Drawing, on the contrary, functions quite differently in regard to these assumptions, and it may have potential for parallel turn organization. There have been seemingly contradictory observations of drawing turn organization; one is that drawing turns can be parallel, and the other is that they cannot be parallel. Umata et al. (2003) suggested that there is yet another kind of constraint based on the activities people are engaged in. According to this view, sequential structure is mandatory in drawing in some cases but not in others. Sequentiality Constraints 1. Drawing interaction occurs in sequential turns under either of the following conditions: (a) Information Dependency Condition: When there is a dependency among the information to be expressed by drawing; (b) Event Alignment Condition: When drawing operations themselves are used as expressions of the proceedings of target events. 2. Sequential turns are not mandatory in drawing activities when neither condition holds (and when persistence and certain bandwidths of drawing are provided). The rationale for the information dependency condition is the intuition that when one piece of information depends on another, the grounding of the former piece of information is more efficient after the grounding of the latter has been completed. This should be the case whether a particular speaker is explaining the logical dependency in question to her partners or all participants are following the logical steps together. Event alignment is a strategy for expressing the unfolding of an event dynamically, using the process of drawing itself as a representation. For example, when you are reporting on how you spent a day in a town by using a map, you might draw a line that shows the route you actually took on the map. In doing so, you are aligning the drawing event with the walking event to express the latter dynamically. Our hypothesis is that simultaneous drawing is unlikely while this strategy of event alignment is employed. Under this condition, the movement or process of drawing is the main carrier of information. The trace of drawing has only a subsidiary informational role. Thus, in this particular use of drawing, its persistency is largely irrelevant. The message must be comprehended and grounded in real time, and the bandwidth afforded by the drawing surface becomes irrelevant. This requirement effectively prohibits the occurrence of any other simultaneous drawing. An analysis on the corpus gathered from collaborative problem-solving tasks demonstrates that these two activity-dependent constraints can override the resource characteristics of the drawing media, thereby enforcing a sequential turn organization similar to those observed in verbal interactions (Umata et al. (2003)). These activity-dependent constraints, however, do not affect the speech turn organization that is already affected by resource characteristics. The amount of simultaneous speech shows no difference among different task conditions (Umata et al. (2004)). In the following part of this paper, we will look into the details of cross-modal overlap, based on the analysis of collaborative problem-solving task data gathered by Umata et al. (2003). We will compare the speech turn organization patterns in different task settings to see whether activity-dependent constraints affect the amount of drawing-speech overlap.
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